Date of Program: Oct, 2021
MOIR Lab of IIT Ropar is going to organize a short symposium on Trends and Opportunities in Robotic Industries.
…Stay tuned…!!
Autonomous robots: A hands on hardware and software workshop
Date of workshop: 01-02nd of October, 2019
Event had been completed successfully…!!
Rehabilitation and wearable robotics
Date of workshop: 11th of October, 2019
Event had been completed successfully…!!
PUNJRobotics: Robotizing Solutions
The PUNJRobotics is set up to formulate a common platform at IIT Ropar able to coordinate local activities in robotics and contribute to advancing robotics world. Contacts have been made with other robotic groups within India and there is strong support for such networking to bring the community close.
Why PunjRobotics?
To assist in uplifting the interdisciplinary field of Robotics – within the institute and around – and towards the establishment of a common platform for Robotics oriented work-exchanges and discussions.
Currently, the status is that in each institute 5-10 researchers are working in various areas of electrical, mechanical and sciences, related to robotics and automation, with adhoc or no interaction. This leads to duplicate actions and wastage of effort and resources. PunjRobotics aims to bring the common activities together, through the identified faculty, students and staff.
PR Studios
The activities are grouped into two areas to reflect high energy robot and low energy robot applications as follows.
Studio 1: High energy robots such as industrial, defense and agricultural robot applications are worked upon in this section, where powerful actuators (electrical motors, pneumatic systems, hydraulic) are necessary. Extreme safety measures need to adopt to separate humans from the robots when possible yet allow detailed human monitoring when close human-robot interaction is needed. The work related to modularity for this sector needs to ensure high precision in all the operations as well as a high degree of reliability miglior sito.
Studio 2: This will include low energy robots such as service robots where close human-robot interaction is essential. Two applications are covered, namely healthcare and medical domains to develop wearable robots for assistance and rehabilitation and customized surgery robots